Hi, I'm Chance Trahan, a Nonpartisan Presidential Candidate. I specialize in detective work, am a certified life coach, and I love to cook and eat vegan foods.
And, no, I'm not sorry. https://www.msn.com/en-us/politics/government/quaker-meetings-sue-dhs-over-directive-to-make-arrests-in-sensitive-spaces/ar-AA1xZc5d?ocid=TobArticle
Possession might be 9/10 of the law, but not if it's possession of stolen property. How many homes are you and your cronies attempting to commandeer? People paid good money to own that property. They didn't pay to have to comply with your demands.
They wanted to prank their adversary and get caught. https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/us/peta-activists-arrested-after-trying-to-dump-frozen-manure-outside-rival-group-s-office/ar-AA1xOTfU?ocid=TobArticle